July 2, 2010

Pop Park Page Presented by 3CS – LIVE NOW!

It’s finally live! The page aims to be a reliable resource for the current conditions of the terrain parks across Australia which can help you determine which mountain is going to get your hard earned dollars. The ratings are based on a detailed set of metrics which, when combined with user photos and comments, should give a rounded appraisal for each mountain. Each park will attain a higher rating based on the number of photos and comments (both in the shoutbox and on the photos) about it. We want each park community to help make their park better! At the end of the season, there might even be some kind of award for Australia’s #1 Terrain Park Crew! Go here to get started.

The Pop Park Page Presented by 3CS has been a long term project that became… Um… more in depth than we had anticipated. The final page includes a lot of functionality we designed and created especially for the Park Page. A huge thanks has to go to Drew for his work on this. Seriously, the guy knows very well what it’s like to work with Rick and I, yet he keeps coming back for more. Thanks Drew – You’re the best! Also, special mention to Nick Imrei for taking the time to help with coding a few pieces and giving us input on functionality too. And finally, a big thanks to Jaye and Brad at 3CS for their support of the project – wouldn’t have been possible without them!

The page is going to be a constant work in progress. This is phase one with more features and design tweaks happening over the next two weeks. Based on the performance of the page this year, we will be looking to improve it again next year. If you have suggestions for us, leave us a comment and let us know! Enjoy!

by Dave